Every year in Spanish Fork the Krsna Temple holds their annual Holi Festival of Color. The festival is held in the end of March, and is free and open to the public. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon day of the lunar month Phalguna, so you will want to check the exact weekend it will be held.
The spectacle of the event is unlike anything you will ever see. The powered color that flys into the air, and covers everyone is truly amazing! Most children will love going to this event. Kids will love the energy, and enjoy that they can throw powder at anyone and everyone. You will be covered from head to toe with color. Going to to the festival is like taking a trip to the wild side, it's crazy, it's dirty, and a whole like of fun!
Krishna Temple
8628 S State Road.
Spanish Fork, Utah
Link 2012 Festival of Color:8628 S State Road.
Spanish Fork, Utah
Link Krsna Temple:
- Wear white! Why not! It displays the color the best, and your kids will get a kick out of the rainbow color your shirt, and face turns.
- Buy packs of color before the festival. They DO sell out, and the whole fun of it is having color. Colors go on sale the first of March and are $2.50 a package, or you can buy 6 for $10.
- BRING water to drink. If your kids get color in their mouths it's icky, and they will want to wash their mouths out!
- You could bring clear goggles to protect eyes from the dust.
- Make a day out of it. Plan on getting lunch or dinner at the festival. Get drinks and enjoy the music.
- There is parking behind the temple or you can pay $2 a person to ride a shuttle from one of many areas.
- Plan on getting plastered with color. If you don't like color dust in your ears, wear ear plus. You can wear eye protection as well. Getting it in your mouth and nose isn't too bad, just plan on it.
- The color won't come out of what you wear. This includes shoes, and pants and jackets. We left our coats in the car, and wore warm white clothing. You might want to find clothing items that you are planning on giving away. That way you can just get rid of it instead of washing it.
- Blond hair will dye the colors you get on it. I wish I had a suggestion other than wearing a shower cap, but I don't. I didn't mind my hair pink for a few days.
- Take a camera you don't mind getting covered with dust. I actually put mine in a plastic bag, and cut out an opening for the lense.
- As a parent, I tried not to make too many rules for my kids. This can be a really fun event. Try to allow the kids to have fun. My only rule was "Don't throw color directly into someones face. Throw it above them, or near them, but don't throw in faces." That rule didn't really stand, but don't ruin the day by getting annoyed.
- It can be really cold, dress warm. The ground was also muddy and slippery, wear shoes that have good traction.
- Think about taking extra clothes to change into.
- Take bottled water to wash out your mouth, ears and eyes.
- Take garbage bags, sheets, or blankets to cover your car seats.
- If you have a thing about getting dirty, DON'T GO. It won't be fun.
Above all HAVE FUN! This can be such a fun and crazy experience! RELAX and Just let go and enjoy! This isn't a time to keep clean, it's time to have fun! The whole point of the color festival is that everyone that has fun, and begins to look the same. The color of your hair and skin doesn't matter anymore, you are all the same!